Captain Ron aids sea turtle conservation efforts

Vero Beach Resort

Disney's conservation experts have enlisted an unlikely ally in their efforts to preserve the sea turtle population.

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Vero Sea Turtles

Captain Ron (Copyright 2016 The Walt Disney Company)

Captain Ron is a 2-year old beagle trained to sniff out sea turtle nests buried in the sand along Florida's Atlantic coast beaches.  His efforts were recently highlighted in a brief vide featured on the Disney Parks Blog (see below.) 

The sea turtle nesting season runs from March to October.  During this period, Disney conservationists will actively monitor the beach for nests, and work to protect the animials.  Identified nests are marked with stakes and signage to ward away resort guests and beachgoers.  Most species of Florida sea turtles are classified as threatened or endangered according to wildlife officials, making it illegal for the public to interact with them.  

During the nesting months, Disney's Vero Beach Resort hosts daily events to educate guests regarding the sea turtle species and its nesting habits along the beach.  For details, consult the resort activity guide.  

Additional Info:  Orlando Sentinel