SFWMD approves Wilderness Lodge permits
Permit applications for work at Disney's Wildernes Lodge have been cleared by another Florida governing body.
Permit applications for work at Disney's Wildernes Lodge have been cleared by another Florida governing body.
With construction work scheduled to begin later this year at Disney's Wilderness Lodge, Disney Vacation Club is making some effort to minimize the impact on its members.
In the fall, construction work will begin to have a major impact on guest stays at Disney's Wilerness Lodge and Villas.
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Exterior refurbishment at Disney's Wilderness Lodge
Disney's filings with the South Florida Water Management District continue to provide early insight into construction work planned at Walt Disney World--specifically additions coming to Disney's Wilderness Lodge.
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Shoreline diagram with cabins marked in red
The Walt Disney Company has filed another "Notice of Commencement" in relation to its fledgling construction project at Disney's Wilderness Lodge.
A "Notice of Commencement" recently filed with Orange County suggests big things to come at Disney's Wilderness Lodge.