2015 tax refund for Polynesian owners

Polynesian Villas

Owners at Disney's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows should find that they received a nice retroactive tax credit for the 2015 year.  

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Poly Bungalow Generic

Disney Vacation Club has published dues statements for the 2016 year.  Among the items on these statements are a reconciliation of resort property taxes for the prior year.  Ad Valorem taxes are always estimated for the coming year, with adjustments later applied to bring the account in balance with the actual amount billed by the county.  

In the case of Disney's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows, it appears property taxes were significantly over-estimated for 2015.  

The original tax estimate for the year was $1.4727 per vacation point, with the amount pro-rated over the period points were owned.  Revised figures show a tax assessment of just $.2019 per point.  The exact reason for the credit is not known but it is likely that Orange County delayed implementing the higher value as renovations on the Polynesian Resort continued throughout 2015.  

Tax amounts over-billed in 2015 will appear as a credit on the 2016 invoice.  Owners paying their 2016 dues in monthly installments should find the credit spread-out over the entire year.  

Other resort owners will find modest credit or debit balances on their 2016 statements depending upon the accuracy of 2015 property tax projections.  

Polynesian owners should view this large tax credit as a one-time event.  2016 property taxe estimates are even higher than 2015 at $1.5364 per point.  

Thanks to Timothy for the tip!