Disney's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows is now open to guests but a number of construction projects continue throughout the property.
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Tokelau building exterior
Construction work is still visible at the Polynesian but limited to just a few select areas. Renovations continue on the Tokelau longhouse, the third building being converted from hotel rooms to Disney Vacation Club villas. Concrete pathways are being updated in the Tokelau area. Work on the building itself is largely limited to its interior at this time.
Meanwhile the resort's East Pool is now closed and surrounded by construction fencing. Upgrades to the East Pool will begin shortly and extend well into 2016. The pool's location right in the middle of five resort longhouses (Tokelau, Hawaii, Rarotonga, Samoa and Niue) suggests that this project could serve as a disruption to resort guests.
Construction fencing now surrounds the East Pool
For a look throughout many of the recently-renovated public spaces and longhouses at Disney's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows, check out our updated Maps & Photos page.
Thanks to Wil Lovato for the photos!