During the 2007 Condo Association meetings DVC held a special session for owners at Disney's Old Key West Resort to discuss details of the 15-year contract extension offer. One of the topics discussed was special financing for those wishing to extend.
DVC is offering deferred interest and payments through March 1, 2009 for those who choose to extend their contract at Old Key West through 2057. The offer is valid until February 29, 2007. This is also the scheduled end date for discounted pricing on the contract extension offer.
Extensions financed over a two year period (with twelve monthly payments beginning April 1, 2009) are eligible for an interest rate of 4.95% after the free finance period has ended. Longer payment periods are available at rates of 10.75% or 14.25% depending upon the buyer's credit history.
Owners who choose to extend by February 29 will receive the special financing and a net price of $15 per point. On March 1, the extension price goes up to $25 per point and the finance offer will no longer be available.
Members should contact their DVC Guide for additional details.