New signage, fences coming to Disney resort beaches

Grand Floridian

Fences are being erected along all shorelines at Walt Disney World along with new signage warning of wildlife dangers.

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Walt Disney World Beach fence

Temporary beach fencing along Seven Seas Lagoon (photo courtesy Tikiman's Unofficial Polynesian Resort Pages)

In the wake of Tuesday's tragic alligagor attack at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, contractors are installing temporary fencing along resort shorelines.  According to a statement provided to the Orlando Sentinel, the new fencing is only temporary, giving designers to "[work] on permanent, long-term solutions at our beaches."

New signage clearly states "Danger.  Alligators and snakes in area."  Previous signs simply warned guests not to swim in Walt Disney World waterways.  

Walt Disney World Beach signage

New waterway signage (per Orlando Sentinel)

Disney's statement to the Sentinel also revealed plans to improve communication with staff members and resort guests.  "[W]e are reinforcing training with our cast for reporting sightings and interactions with wildlife and are expanding our communication to Guests on this topic."