Vero Beach Resort

Vero Beach Refurb, Dining Update

Disney's Vero Beach Resort survived Hurricane Matthew relatively unscathed, but work continues on the extensive refurbishments throughout the property.  

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Vero Beach

Walkway outside former Shutters location

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Vero, Hilton Head Closed; WDW to be Impacted by Matthew

Due to Hurricane Matthew, the National Hurricane Center has issued a hurricane warning for Central Florida, including Orlando, Walt Disney World, and Vero Beach. 

UPDATE 10/6, 1pm:  Disney has announced that Walt Disney World theme parks and Disney Springs will close at 5:00pm on Thursday 10/6 and remain closed all day on Friday 10/7.  

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Hurricane Matthew 20161006

Projected impact of Hurricane Matthew (Thu, 10/6, 10:30am)

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