DVC merchandise returns to DisneyStore.com
An assortment of merchandise highlighting four popular Disney Vacation Club destinations is available at DisneyStore.com for a limited time.
An assortment of merchandise highlighting four popular Disney Vacation Club destinations is available at DisneyStore.com for a limited time.
Disney Cruise Line has another special just for Disney Vacation Club members. On the September 14, 2013 7-night Western Caribbean sailing, owners can secure a verandah stateroom for as little as $945 per person.
Disney Vacation Club has released another Disney Cruise Line offer exclusively available to members.
Plans to create a free level of D23: The Official Disney Fan Club exclusively for Disney Vacation Club owners were dropped in favor of a more wide-ranging offer.
{multithumb thumb_width=200 thumb_height=300 thumb_proportions=bestfit} A brand new issue of Disney Files Magazine is on its way to members. This summer issue features a look at VP Ken Potrock and other Disney Vacation Club staff, a preview of the renovated California Grill and more.