New DVC-Exclusive YoaMD Sweepstakes

Member Benefits and Perks has posted details on a new contest tie-in with the Year of a Million Dreams which is exclusive to DVC members.  In the “Capture the Moment, Live the Fantasy Sweepstakes”, members are eligible to win a night’s stay in the Cinderella Castle suite, along with 4 additional nights in a two bedroom at Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa, airfare, park hopper tickets, the Disney Dining Plan and some spending money. 

The second place prize is nearly as impressive, offering a 3-night stay at SSR, park hopper tickets, dining plan and pocket money.  Three third place prizes will be awarded in the form of $500 Disney gift cards.

As part of the contest, members are invited to submit recent vacation photos for possible inclusion in DVC publications.  Submitting a photo is not required and does not impact one’s eligibility to win any of the prizes. 

There is a limit of one entry per Disney Vacation Club ID.

Visit for the rules and completed details, and click HERE to enter.  Note that the contest is ONLY open to current members.  A DVC member ID must be presented at the time of entry.