General DVC News

Disneyland Event Notices Arriving

West-coast Disney Vacation Club members have begun receiving postcards advising them of the members-only event scheduled for Memorial Day weekend 2008.  On May 24-26, DVC will be hosting a "Getaway Days Travel Expo" at Disney's Paradise Pier Hotel

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Timeshare Mag Says Disney 7th in '07

Trade magazine Vacation Ownership World has listed DVC as the seventh leading timeshare sales company in 2007.  According to the survey, DVC grossed approximately $350 million last year while Wyndham Vacation ownership topped the list with nearly $2 billion in sales.

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New DVC Ads Focus on non-Disney Appeal

In today's Orlando Sentinel, Jason Garcia highlights Disney's recent push to broaden the market for its Disney Vacation Club timeshare program.  New television commercials and new destinations are all part of an ad campaign designed to attract customers who are not necessarily die hard theme park fans.

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DVC on WDWRadio Podcast

The April 6th edition (Episode 61) of Lou Mongello's "The WDW Radio Show" features an inteview with Michael Collier, Quality Assurance Manager for the Disney Vacation Club. In the interview, Collier gives an overview of the DVC system, answers some frequently asked questions and helps to debunk some popular misconceptions regarding the program.

Lou's podcast, "The WDW Radio Show", can be found on iTunes or at his website


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