Recent Event Incentives

Financial News & Pricing

Disney Vacation Club held a number of recent sales events including a webcast for prospective members and the Vacation As You Wish gatherings in Boston, MA.  One consistent hallmark of these events is the discount pricing offered exclusively to attendees.  Just how good were the prices?  Read on.

A reader sent us information regarding the discounts offered during the recent webcasts.  The presentation focused on points at the Bay Lake Tower with substantial discounts off of the list price of $112 per point:

160-199 pts: $16 per point discount
200-269 pts:  $18 discount
270-319 pts:  $20 discount
320-499 pts:  $21 discount
500+ pts:  $23 discount  

Similar pricing was also offered to current members for add-on purchases at the Boston-area gatherings.

Compare those discounts to the current promotions available to the general public.  According to reports we have received, the discounts for new and add-on purchases outside of these events tops-off at a mere $13 per point.

Attendees to both events-whether they made a purchase or not--also received various promotional swag including custom Mickey Mouse ears, portfolios and stylized binoculars.

Thanks to Julie for information used in this report!