Several Disney Vacation Club point calculator applications for Apple computers and mobile devices have been recently updated with new features and bug fixes.
First up, the D Point app for Apple iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad devices has been updated with some new graphical touches, as well as support for the Twitter integration of the newly-released iOS 5.
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Also updated is the DVC Planner app for Apple iOS devices. Version 3.2 is a significant upgrade with new point tracking features. Users can input their DVC contracts and enter all vacations, point banking, borrowing and transfers to help monitor point balances.
Finally, the DVC Calculator app for Mac desktop and laptop computers running OS X was updated to version 1.0.4. The only changes to this app are a number of bug fixes.
Current owners of all three apps can download the updates for free by visiting their respective app stores.
Note: Owners of other mobile devices (Android, etc.) or Windows-based PCs are encouraged to