The D Point application for all Apple mobile devices has been recently updated to add some handy point tracking features, as well as links to your favorite site for Disney Vacation Club news.
The most prominent new feature of the D Point app allow members to enter their Disney Vacation Club contract information and track point balances. The app will store information on multiple contracts including the Home resort, Use Year, points owned and beginning point balances.
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Once created vacations are assigned to a specific contract year, the point tracking will be updated to show remaining point balances. Members can enter the number of points banked or borrowed from a given year.
Other app features provide users with an overview of important dates related to the reservation--11 months in advance for booking at one's Home resort, 7 months for non-Home resort, 180 days for dining reservations and so on. Tapping on any of these dates instantly creates a calendar reminder associated with the event.
Facebook integration allows users to share their vacation countdown with on-line friends.
Another useful feature of the new release is a direct link to the latest Disney Vacation Club news and information courtesy of
For a complete list of new features, visit its iTunes Preview page.
Version 2.0 of the D Point app is available to users of Apple devices running iOS 4.0+ including the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The app currently retails for $1.99 with the upgrade available free to current owners.