Lake Buena Vista golf course refurb
One of the best Disney Vacation Club resort amenities will be unavailable to guests for about 10 days.
One of the best Disney Vacation Club resort amenities will be unavailable to guests for about 10 days.
With the first of its two parking garages set to open later this month, Cast Member informational flyers indicate that Disney has no plans to being charging guests to park at the Downtown Disney shopping district.
The combination walkway and boat dock has now opened but there are no changes to water taxi service from the two Disney Vacation Club resorts.
Many new details have appeared on the combination walkway and dock connecting Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa to the Downtown Disney shopping district.
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Workers continue to make progress on the walkway / dock which will run between Disney'sSaratoga Springs Resort & Spa and the Downtown Disney Marketplace.
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For three weeks in March, Disney's food trucks will visit Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa to add some variety to the resort cuisine.