Caribbean Beach renovation begins
Disney has begun renovating another Walt Disney World property with upgrades that may include a new transportation option and Disney Vacation Club villas.
Disney has begun renovating another Walt Disney World property with upgrades that may include a new transportation option and Disney Vacation Club villas.
Familiar amenities at Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort will soon begin to close as the massive resort upgrade commences.
Disney has confirmed plans to expand facilities at both Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort and Disney's Coronodo Springs Resort, but (so far) no mention of Disney Vacation Club villas at either.
Disney's Coronado Springs Resort concept art (copyright 2017 The Walt Disney Company)
Plans have been filed to begin work at Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort. While the full extent of these modifications is unclear, the resort has been linked to Disney Vacation Club rumors in recent years.
Primary construction zone at Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort
While work progresses at Disney's Wilderness Lodge, evidence keeps pointing toward a possible fifteenth Disney Vacation Club destination.
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Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort