Old Key West activity schedule
As is the case at all Walt Disney World resorts, Disney's Old Key West Resort offers its guests a wide range of crafts, games and activities, most available at no charge to those staying at the resort.
As is the case at all Walt Disney World resorts, Disney's Old Key West Resort offers its guests a wide range of crafts, games and activities, most available at no charge to those staying at the resort.
Later this month, Disney plans to begin re-paving the roadways in Disney's Old Key West Resort.
The Disney Parks Blog has posted some photos of the renovated rooms at Disney's Old Key West Resort.
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(copyright Disney Enterprises, Inc.)
Website Allears.net has posted photos of the newly-renovated villas at Disney's Old Key West Resort.
A Disney employee has admitted to stealing credit card information from guests staying at Disney's Old Key West Resort and Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa.