2017 Aulani Dues Released
More than a month after mailing and posting digital copies of the 2017 budgets for most DVC properties, the figures for Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas have finally been released.
Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas
More than a month after mailing and posting digital copies of the 2017 budgets for most DVC properties, the figures for Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas have finally been released.
Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas
Last weekend, Disney unveiled its new KA WA‘A Luau at Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas.
Hawaii's Ko Olina resort district has created its own smartphone app, providing a wealth of information to area visitors including guests at Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas.
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On August 29, 2011, Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas, welcomed its first guests. Much like Bay Lake Tower at Disney’s Contemporary Resort which celebrated its seventh anniversary earlier this month, much as happened at Aulani during its brief history.
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View of the soon-to-be Ka Maka Landing; the Grotto Pool, hot tub, children’s water play area, and expanded pool deck took over this area in October 2013
Atlantis Resorts is reportedly finalizing plans to build a $2 billion resort adjacent to Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa in Hawaii.
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Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas is adding a "Menehune Mischief" character dinner to Makahiki restaurant on select dates throughout January 2016.
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