More Aulani job listings
Disney has published new job listings for Aulani, one of which may provide some hints as to how they hope to attract buyers for the Disney Vacation Club villas.
Disney has published new job listings for Aulani, one of which may provide some hints as to how they hope to attract buyers for the Disney Vacation Club villas.
Hawai'i has published a feature on Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa. Of particular interest are the images scattered throughout the article. Included are a number of up-close construction photos and some concept artwork never before seen, like this rendering of the Makahiki restaurant.
Click to read the full story.
Disney executives met with reporters last week to continue the full court press for Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa.
The official Disney Blog has posted a work-in-progress photo of the lobby at Disney's Aulani resort in Hawai'i. The photo is taken from a perspective nearly identical to the concept artwork below. Click inside to see how the lobby looks now.
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Disney will begin accepting hotel reservations for Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa in less than two weeks. A list of room rates was previously posted to
Reservations for Disney Vacation Club villas are expected to begin on September 29, 2010--11 months prior to the resort's opening date.
Disney Vacation Club has begun a series of Aulani preview events similar to those held at Disneyland earlier this month. and have coverage of the recent Florida-based shows.