MNSSHP discounts for 2012
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party returns for 2012 and Disney Vacation Club members can purchase discounted tickets for most nights.
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party returns for 2012 and Disney Vacation Club members can purchase discounted tickets for most nights.
Following January's unexplained false start, Disney has revealed the installation schedule for new cable television channels at its Walt Disney World resort hotels.
Disney Vacation Club and Adventures by Disney have again partnered to bring several unique travel adventures to DVC members. Trips include special keepsakes produced exclusively for participating DVC members and a meal with new Vacation Club Senior Vice President Claire Bilby.
Every week Disney Vacation Club hosts a Welcome Home Wednesdays event at the BoardWalk's Atlantic Dance hall. The session is a combination sales pitch--in typical low-key Disney fashion--informational event and fun get-together for DVC members.
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Members stream into the Atlantic Dance Hall
{multithumb thumb_width=200 thumb_height=300 thumb_proportions=bestfit} The Spring 2012 issue of Disney Files Magazine has been released and is on its way to members' homes. Here is a quick rundown of what to expect.
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