MNSSHP and MVMCP discounts for DVC members
Disney has announced the 2010 dates for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party and Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. Discounts are available for Disney Vacation Club members on select nights.
Disney has announced the 2010 dates for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party and Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. Discounts are available for Disney Vacation Club members on select nights.
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Disney Vacation Club members have their own unique pin design available for purchase at this year's Star Wars Weekends.
Guests at the Disney theme parks can often be seen sporting buttons to help recognize special events like birthdays, marriages and anniversaries. Now Disney Vacation Club members have their own button to acknowledge their time as owners.
Update: Photo of button added courtesy of Twitter user @kidanikatie.
For a limited time Disney Vacation Club members can subscribe to Disney FamilyFun magazine for a special rate of just $7.50 for 10 issues.
For a limited time Disney Vacation Club members can save up to 20% on tickets for Mary Poppins and The Lion King on Broadway.