Alex and Ani back Monday; now available!
Disney Vacation Club has confirmed that the "Alex and Ani" bracelets will be offered again starting at 11:30am eastern on Monday, April 27, 2015.
UPDATE: Order link is now live. Click inside for details.
Disney Vacation Club has confirmed that the "Alex and Ani" bracelets will be offered again starting at 11:30am eastern on Monday, April 27, 2015.
UPDATE: Order link is now live. Click inside for details.
Disney Vacation Club members can still enjoy attractive savings on tickets for the Downtown Disney mainstay.
Disney Vacation Club members have a few new offerings to sample during their Disneyland Resort visits.
The marathon advance registration window Disney Vacation Club members is now open!
Stop me if you've heard this one before: The Disney Vacation Club exclusive 'Alex and Ani' bracelets may be available to order again soon.
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