Mother's Day brunch offered at Walt Disney World
The latest "Membership Magic" dining event gives Disney Vacation Club owners an opportunity to celebrate mom.
The latest "Membership Magic" dining event gives Disney Vacation Club owners an opportunity to celebrate mom.
{multithumb thumb_width=200 thumb_height=300 thumb_proportions=bestfit} The spring 2016 issue of Disney Files Magazine is now making its way to members homes. This issue is heavy on Disney Vacation Club 25th Anniversary coverage, but also provides the usual overview of park and resort happenings that appeal to owners.
The Disney Store online is celebrating the President's Day holiday weekend with 25% off most items online and in retail stores and free shipping on orders over $75.
The first item in a series of exclusive Disney Vacation Club 25th Anniversary merchandise is available to order, but only for a limited time.
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Disney Vacation Club has released details on the first wave of exclusive member merchanise to be offered in conjunction with the timeshare program's 25th anniversary.
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DVC exclusive MagicBand